All Starfield console commands and cheats (2024)

What are the Starfield console commands and cheats? We’ve all been guilty of it; you get to the shop and see the perfect piece of kit for your spacefarer – an absurdly large rifle that runs on the power of friendship –which can destroy entire solar systems in the blink of an eye. But what’s that? You’re short on credits. Typical. Nothing a quick console command can’t solve, though.

As mentioned in ourStarfield review, this is one huge game. While it’s always advised to play games like Starfield without theseadvantages the first time around, we won’t judge if you want to use these console commands to instantly get the best Starfield weapons or shower your Starfield companions with your ill-gotten riches. Before you venture too far ahead, be warned that one of these commands reveals some late-game story information. Now, here’s everything you need to know about Starfield cheats, every Starfield console command,and what they do.

To open the console in Starfield press the tilde key (~) to pause the game and bring up a text box (the console). Type inone of these codes below and press enterto activate the desired console command.

You need item codes to use some of these console commands, so to find the Starfield item code of your choice press the tilde key (~) and type ‘help’ followed by the item name. The console will return the item’s code.

Console commandEffect
tgmGod mode: Grants invincibility and gives infinite stamina. You can carry infinite weight
tclToggles collision on or off, enabling you to walk through walls and in midair
tcaiToggles AI on or off. NPCs will cease to move or respond
timImmortal mode: You can’t take damage. Your health can’t hit zero
tdetectNPCs no longer detect you
player.additem f [#]Adds credits. E.g. ‘player.additem f 500# will give 500 credits
player.additem a [#]Adds digipicks. E.g. ‘player.additem a 10’ will grant 10 digipicks
player.setav carryweight [#]Set your maximum carry weight to your chosen amount
player.setlevel [#]Allows you to set your own level
tmHides the UI. Enter this code again to show it
tfcEnables free camera movement
tmm 1Adds map markers for all locations on any planet. This cannot be removed
killWith the console open, click any NPC and enter this code to kill them. If you select a vital character, they cannot be permanently killed but become incapacitated
kahKills all hostile NPCS around you
showhighmaxheightsShows or hides the high rest max height data
enablestorymanagerloggingEnables story manager logging
resurrectResurrects the target character
killallKills every enemy and NPC around you
player.additem [Item ID] [#]Adds an item to your inventory
player.placeatme [item id] [value]Spawns the specified item or creature in front of you
player.setav speedmult [#]Sets your speed. To increase movement choose any number over 100
player.setav health [#]Sets your maximum health level
sexchangeChange your character’s gender and return to a default look
psbGives you every Starfield power
unlockUnlock the targeted door or container
showmenu sleepwaitmenuOpens the pass time menu
showlooksmenu player 1Change appearence
player.paycrimegold 0 0 [faction id]Pay off all bounties for a faction
[ref id].amod [omod id]Applies the weapon mods to your weapon
[ref id].rmod [omod id]Removes weapon mods from your weapon
player.addperk [perk id]Add skills, traits, and backgrounds to your character
player.removeperk [perk id]Remove skills, traits, and backgrounds from your character
RecordSceneCapture screenshots of scene
LandOnPlanetLand on a planet
TakeOffToSpaceTake off
PreviewBodyResourcesPreview resources for a planet
SendAffinityEventRun an affinity event
AddPowerAdd power
RemovePowerRemove power
AddPlotToBodyPlot a route to a specific body
reloadmaterialsReloads all materials
tdetectNPCs can no longer detect you in stealth mode
kahKill all hostile NPCs
tmToggle to UI on or off
saqStart all main story and side missions – careful, it may cause crashes
caqsComplete all main story and side missions – careful, it may cause crashes
dumppapyrusstacks [dps]Dumps Papyrus stack information to the log
dumppapyrustimersDumps Papyrus timer registrations to the log
dumppapyrusdistanceeventsDumps Papyrus distance event registrations to the log
dumppapyrusloseventsDumps Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log
dumppapyruspersistenceinfo [dppi]Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed
dumppapyruseventregistrationsDumps Papyrus event registrations for the object and script
runcompactionRuns a pass of compaction if possible
setsubgraphtodebugSets subgraph to debug mode
enablerumbleToggle controller rumble on or off
havokvdbcaptureToggles Havok CDB capture
togglenavmeshinfoToggles a view mode similar to map camera and displays navmesh information
playsyncanimPlay Sync Anim
setformunknownSets the known flag on a form
setdebugquestSets the quest to be the only one startable from its event type
setquestaliasloggingTurn alias logging on or off
setraceSets the passed in actor’s race
findform [find]Find a form
startpapyrusscriptprofile [startpsp]Start profiling a Papyrus script
stoppapyrusscriptprofile [stoppsp]Stop profiling a Papyrus script
startpapyrusrusformprofile [startpfp]Start profiling Papyrus scripts on a form
stoppapyrusformprofile [stoppfp]Stop profiling Papyrus scripts on a form
togglepapyrusglobalprofiler [tpgp]Toggle Papyrus global profiling on or off
printquestsceneinfoPrints to the quest information file the current state of scenes
isinvulnerableIs the actor vulnerable?
collisionmeshToggle mesh collision info on or off
havokworldstep [hws]Toggle Bhkworld Havok step info on or off
isolaterenderingEnable isolated rendering for selected object
togglewatercurrentgeometryDisplays or hides water current geometry
performactionPerforms the specified action on the selected actor
starttrackplayerdoorsStarts tracking player-activated teleport doors
stoptrackplayerdoorsStops tracking player-activated teleport doors
checkplayerdoorsCompares the tracked player path with the quest target path
setinchargenToggles chargen mode on or off [savingdisabled] [waitingdisabled] [activationmessagedisabled]
forceresetForce the game to reset
forceclosefilesClose the master file and plugins.
hotloadplugin [hlp]Load or reload the named plugin.
generatebendablespline [spline]Generates a bendable spline geometry instance
reload [script]Reloads the Papyrus script
testaimTest an actor’s aim
testlookTest an actor’s looking
pushcameraPush camera to editor
movetoeditorcameraMove to the editor camera
movetoeditorselectionMove to the editor selection
placefurnituretester [pft]Place actor who will use the selected furniture
dumpconditionsfunctionsOutput the current counters for condition function calls
reloadanimationgraphsReload the currently loaded animation graphs
toggleweaponoverlayToggle the weapon overlay on or off
forcedetectForces the selected actor to detect the specified actor
changeanimarchetype [caa]Change the selected actor’s anim archetype
changeanimflavorChange the selected actor’s anim flavor
setangrywithplayerSet the angry with player flag
forcerepathForce the actor to repath
forcepathfailureForce the actor’s path to fail
dumpformlistDump the contents of given formlist to the console output
traceanimationeventsTrace an actor’s animation vents
showmodsShow all property mods on an object
dumpinputenablelayersDumps all currently used input enable layers to the console
attachmodAttach a mod to an object
removemodRemove a mod from an object
spawntemplatedobjectSpawn a ref to a templated object
callfunctionCall a Papyrus function on the targeted object
callquestfunction [cqf]Calls a Papyrus function ona quest
callglobalfunction [cgf]Calls a global Papyrus function
resetinputenablelayerReset all control disables on a specific input enable layer
forceenableplayercontrols [fepc]Force-enables the player’s controls regardless of layers
resetforceenabledplayercontrolsResets all force-enabled player controls
getactorrefownerPrints the owner of the currently selected reference
setactorrefowner [saro]Sets ownership of the current object to the specific actor or player
hasactorrefowner [haro]Returns 1 if the currently selected objects has an owner, or 0 otherwise
setoutfitChange the default outfit
passtime [hours]Passes the specified number of hours
linklocationsLinks two locations
showlinkedlocationsOutputs all locations linked to the given one
setlinkedrefLinks the current ref to the given one
resetcontainerResets the selected container
setscenefordebugSets the current debug scene
preloadexteriorPreloads exterior data for the current object
testpathDebug function to test a path
togglecontrolsoverlayToggles controls overlay
refreshRebug function to refresh
dynamicresolutionChange the dynamic resolution settings
testloadingmenuDebug function to open or close the loading menu
recalcinstancedataDebug function to recalculate the instance data
togglereferenceposeToggles forcing an animgraph for the selected actor to be in the reference pose
setpersistlocationDebug function to set the persist location
setlocationreftypeDebug function to set the location ref type
showlocdataDebug function to show location data
reservelocDebug function to reserve a location
undateawakesound [uas]Update selected actor’s currently conscious loop
setharvestedMark the current reference as harvested
pausescenePause or unpause the scene
spawndupeMake a duplicate
disabledistantreferencesDisable references more than a certain distance away
fireassertFire an assert
forcepersistentForce a reference to become persistent
playactioncamera [pac]Play this action camera on the reference
stopactioncameraStop the action camera
changestanceChange actor’s stance
auditionwwiseeventSet of commands for auditioning Wwise events
auditionreverbformForce a reverb form to be active
setwwisestateSet a global Wwise state
buildanimationdaaBuild the animation data for the actor
switchskeletonToggle between standard and chargen skeletons
gethelloorgreetingPrint the info for an actor’s hello
setbonetintregionAdd bone tint data to object’s 3D given a region ID of that object
senddialogueeventSend a dialogue event for the selected and target actor
setforcespeechchallengealwayssucceed [1/0]Make all speech challenges automatically succeed
setforcespeechchallengealwaysfail [1/0]Make all speech challenges automatically fail
runmaterialsanalysisCompares the materials of the selected reference
capturemessagesCapure debug string and user messages using a message event listener
toggletrijuiceToggle Trijuicing in the renderer
setpresentthresholdSet percentage of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit
linkfullaccountLink full Bnet account to game account
isloggedinIs the player logged in to
getlegaldocsxRetries all legal documents
acceptlegaldocAccepts a legal document
getdataattachmentPrints data from profile data attachment
deletedataattachmentDeletes profile data attachment
uploadcharacterdataUploads character data playload as Bnet profile data attachment
getattachmentleaderboardGets attachment leaderboard page
loaduniteddataGets character data from leaderboard and caches it
makeunitynpcUpdates NPC with data from unity cache
setvolumetriclighting parametersSet volumetric lighting parameters
startworkshopEnter workshop mode
togglevblankoptimToggle VBlank optim
addkeywordAdds the given keyword
removekeywordRemoves the given keyword
setambientparticlesenabledEnables or disables ambient particles
removeoutpostRemoves the outpost and all built items
setesramsetupForces specific ESRAM setup
callstacktracedepthSet the callstack depth when tracing it
commandedactivatedCommands actor to use reference
enablegalaxymodeEnables/disables galaxy mode
togglestarfielddebutToggle Starfield debug on or off
setstarfieldcoordinatescaleSet the Starfield coordinate scale
setstarsystemscaleSets the star system scale
movetoplanetIf target player ship, move or give path to pilot to target
setorbitspeedscaleSet global orbit speed scale
instancenamingrulesExport instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt
gerorbismodinfoPrints info relating to Orbis mod game data files
togglescenedebugShow debug state for scene
setfarclipSet far clip value
toggleoverdrawToggle overdraw
recordsceneCapture screenshots of scene
landonplanetLand on a planet
takeofftospaceTake off to space
previewbodyresourcesPreviews resources for a planet
sendaffinityeventRuns an affinity event on an optional object reference
addpowerAdd power
removepowerRemove power
matlockcaptureForce matlock to realize a capture
togglesnapnodemarkersToggle snap node markers
setvoicetypeSet an override voice type on an actor
addworldspacetoplanetAdd world space to a planet
debugdataproviderSets the name of the UI data provider to debug
loadall3dLoad all queued 3D
printallmenusPrint all active menus
printallinputcontextPrint the input context stack
addplottobodyPlot a route to this body
reloadfacedataReload face data
setgravityscaleSet the gravity scale
previewblockPreview block
exportterraintexturesExports terrain textures
exportterraingridsExports terrain grids
exportterrainheightmapExport terrain height map
exportterrainmaterialindexmapExport terrain material index map
exportterrainfilesExport terrain files
updateterrainclipmapsRefresh terrain clip maps
setworkshipitemSet the workshop menu’s cursor to the currently selected reference
generatenavmeshGenerates nav-mesh on the current cell
landonplanetanimatedLand your spaceship with an animation
startnewgameStart a new game without the UI
forcedbleedoutForce an actor to enter bleedout
landonplanetmarketLand at a marker on a selected planet
setlocaltimeSets the local time on the current planet
settestplanetandbiomeSets a test planet and biome

While you’re here, be sure to check out our Starfield factions guide to see which groups to join, as well as our rundown of the best Starfield background and Starfield traits to pick. It’s worth pointing out that using console commands can make Starfield behave strangely, so we highly recommend making a backup of your save before you commit to introducing random elements into your main save file.

Still looking for more? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our newStarfieldDatabase goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools.

All Starfield console commands and cheats (2024)


What is the command to unlock all in Starfield? ›

psb - Unlocks all 24 powers. tdetect - NPCs will no longer detect you in stealth. tcai - NPCs will no longer target and attack you. tcl - No Clip.

Are there any cheats for Starfield? ›

Below is a list of all known console commands and cheat codes in Starfield. Toggle God Mode - Enables complete invincibility and unlimited ammo. Toggle Immortal Mode - Enables you to take damage, but you'll never reach 0 health. Player Spellbook - Unlocks all available powers.

What happens if I use console commands in Starfield? ›

If you are playing Starfield on PC, you can take advantage of console commands and cheats, from automatically unlocking doors and containers to enabling "God Mode". With console commands and cheats, the whole galaxy is quite literally your personal sandbox.

How to level up with console commands in Starfield? ›

If you want to level up your skills, you'll need to use the IDs below with the command “player. addperk perk-ID” replacing “perk-ID” with the alphanumeric ID below. Each time you use the command, you will level up the skill (or be granted the skill at level one if you didn't have it before).

What is the God mode command in Starfield? ›

Here is a full list of every Starfield cheat:
Console commandEffect
tgmGod mode: Grants invincibility and gives infinite stamina. You can carry infinite weight
tclToggles collision on or off, enabling you to walk through walls and in midair
tcaiToggles AI on or off. NPCs will cease to move or respond
219 more rows
Nov 28, 2023

How to unlock all powers in Starfield? ›

How to unlock all Starfield Powers. You unlock Powers in Starfield by collecting Artifacts. Each time you bring an Artifact back to the Lodge, it unlocks a mission to visit a corresponding Temple for that Artifact. Head to the Temple and complete the minigame inside to unlock a new Power.

What is the unlimited money code in Starfield? ›

Starfield console command money cheat

If you're playing on PC and want to use Starfield console commands, use the ` or ~ key (region dependent), then enter the following: player. additem 0000000f 500000.

What is the cheat code for weight in Starfield? ›

If you want to increase your carry weight, simply type player. setav carryweight [X], with the [X] being your desired maximum carry weight. For example, typing in player. setav carryweight 500 will set your carry weight to 500.

Are there romance options in Starfield? ›

As is the case with a lot of other Western RPGs these days, romance plays a fairly important role in Starfield. However, despite there being more than twenty possible companions in the game, only four of them are romanceable; these being Andreja, Barrett, Sam, and Sarah.

Do all console commands disable achievements in Starfield? ›

Any use of the console, will disable the achievements and give your savefile the suffix [MODDED]. This does not mean you cannot use the console without losing the achievements and without mods, but it does take some preparations.

What is the ghost command in Starfield? ›

setessential <base ID> <0 or 1>Set a character as mortal (0) or immortal (1).
setghost <0 or 1>Set ghost mode for the targeted NPC.
setgs <setting> <value>Set game setting.
setlevel <multiplier> <modifier> <min> <max>Set NPC level
68 more rows

What is the console command for unlimited oxygen in Starfield? ›

tgm – Makes you immortal, with unlimited oxygen, and adds unlimited ammo. tim – Immortal Mode. kah – Kills all hostile NPCs in the vicinity. tcl – Ghost Mode.

What is the max level in Starfield? ›

Starfield has no level cap, meaning you will be able to level up as much as you please while making your way through the stars. This was confirmed by Bethesda's Pete Hines leading up to Starfield's release and follows the studio's recent history of letting players level up without a limit.

What is the command to unlock all advancements? ›

To grant all advancements to every player, execute /advancement grant @a everything .

What is the console command for complete mission Starfield? ›

To complete a quest using console commands, enter: completequest [quest id]. Take note that you won't get the rewards by using this method to complete a quest.

What is the command to unlock career items? ›

How do you get locked Career Items in Build catalog to purchase? For this The Sims 4 building cheat, go into build mode and open the cheat dialogue box and type “bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement”.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.