Chapter LX members are members of the Special Forces Association, a non-profit veterans fraternal organization founded in 1964 in Fayetteville, N.C. No one will be barred from membership because of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, or political affiliation. Except for these restrictions, the membership committee may refuse to approve the application of anyone it believes to be inimical to the Association’s purposes.
Individual members of the Special Forces Association, may, at the membership rate, attend any meetings, convention, or social gathering sponsored by the Association or any of its chapters. They may contribute ideas and suggestions which may further the purpose of the national Association. They may carry the Association membership card and receive publications. They may display flags, signs, banners, and other items that have been sanctioned by the Association.
Membership in Chapter LX of the Special Forces Association is available in the categories outlined below.
General Membership: Membership may be granted to any member or former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces, to include the U.S. Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve, who has been legally awarded a Special Forces prefix, suffix, or MOS; and, if discharged, has received an Honorable Discharge. Service with the 1st SSF, OSS, and UNPIK-8240 of Korea also is recognized. General members have full voting rights and may serve as appointed or elected officers in Chapter LX. Additional categories of general membership include Decader and Life member. Associate Membership: Associate Membership may be granted to a person not meeting the general membership requirements (above), but who has contributed significantly to the mission accomplishment of Special Forces or its lineage. Members of Ranger units of WWII and the Ranger Companies of Korea are automatically recognized for Associate membership, as are widows of former SFA members and the immediate family of Special Forces personnel killed in action (KIA). Honorary Membership: The National Association Membership Committee, upon majority approval of a quorum present of the entire Association Board of Officers, may confer honorary membership upon a person who has contributed significantly to Special Forces, or who clearly would lend prestige to the membership. Honorary membership is normally in effect for life, however exceptions are the Commander, Special Forces Command, who receives an Honorary Membership as Honorary President, SFA; and the Commander in Chief, US. Special Operations Command, who holds the position of Honorary President, Command Chapter LX, The Richard J. Meadows Memorial Chapter. Honorary status is not granted to persons qualified to be regular or associate members, with the above two exceptions. Honorary membership is proposed by a current member in good standing of the Association. Chapter LX Honorary Membership: The chapter, upon majority approval of a quorum present of the chapter board of elected officers, may confer Chapter LX Honorary membership upon a person who has contributed significantly to the Command Chapter LX, The Richard J. Meadows Memorial Chapter, or who clearly would lend prestige to the membership. Honorary membership is normally in effect for life, but may be cancelled by a majority approval of a quorum present of the chapter’s elected Board of Officers. The Chapter Honorary LX Member may attend any meetings or social gatherings of the chapter and will receive the chapter newsletter, The Tip of the Spear. Honorary Chapter LX membership does not confer any of the rights and privileges inherent in Special Forces Association membership. Chapter LX honorary members have no voting rights and may not serve as elected officers in Chapter LX. Chapter LX Honorary membership is proposed by a current member in good standing of Chapter LX.
Fees and Expenses
Member Dues. Annual dues (currently $40.00), as set by the Association officers and published in the Membership Application, are payable on 31 December for the ensuing calendar year. Members who fail to pay their dues by 30 January are automatically declared ‘lapsed members.’ New members and annual dues paying members whom submit their dues or application fees after 1 October, are credited with dues paid through the following calendar year. All monies for new members must be submitted with membership applications, and are returned if the application is not accepted. Honorary members are not required to pay dues. Application Fee. An application fee (currently $10.00) is payable upon application, together with the $40.00 membership fee. Honorary members are not required to pay application fees. Life Membership Fee. A member in good standing can obtain a Life Membership by paying a fee (currently $440.00), and the Association Membership Committee approves his/her application. For lapsed members, the fee will be $475.00. For new members applying for Life Membership, fee will be $480.00. The fee is returned if the application is not accepted. Reinstatement Fee. A member who fails to pay his/her annual renewal dues by 30 January, and who subsequently wishes to be readmitted into the Association, must pay a reinstatement fee (currently $5.00), in addition to annual dues of $40.00. For limited periods or in individual cases, the reinstatement fee may be waived as the National Association officers may direct. For example, members deployed in support of contingency missions during the renewal period may have their reinstatement fees waived.
Membership/Renewal/Transfer Application
The application for general and associate membership in Chapter Sixty consists of the following items:
- A completed .* Current members of Chapter LX can use the renewal form and current members of the SF Association can use the transfer form.
- Documentation of required military service or qualifications, such as certificates, school diplomas, DD 214, etc. If you do not have documentation of your military service, you can request it from the appropriate agency using a Standard Form 180.*
- A check for appropriate amount, made out to Chapter LX, SFA.
Completed applications/renewals/transfers should be mailed to the following address: Chapter LX, SFA ATTN: Secretary P.O. Box 6515 MacDill, AFB, FL 33608-0515
FORM sf180.pdf