The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


Dee. The Lord Lieutenant the projected Nationalist Coothill. NEWPOUNDLAND. of the Murdered Orangemen. OF GRACE, Dee.

funerals the murdered Orangemen were held yeswithout disturbance. WASHINGTON. Houmas Land Cases Coming Before the Supreme Oourt of the United States. SPECIAL TO THE PICAYUNE.J WANINGTON, Dee. One of the earliest essen to be argued on the reassembling of the Extreme Court de that of the celebrated elaim.

There are four cases, Alfred Slidell et appellants, Grandjean, United States Deputy 8urwyor; same appellanta v8. Richardson, Register of Louisiana State Land Office; appellants ve. Thos. J. Emler et and same va.

Chas. Tachirn. These cases, which have all been advanced the docket and consolidated by a late enter of the court, were brought in the CirCourt of the United States for the Eastern Dietrict of Louisiana, by the ownof the Wm. Conway division of the Hongrant in Louisiana, to protect the same from hostile surveys and alienations by the United States and the State of Louisiana, and from distinctive trespass by squattors, and were all tried by the District Judge. Jas.

Bradford of New Orleana apas attorney for the plaintiffs. original grant of the claim dates as far back 1774, and embraces a wide Heid at the most interesting historical legal and personal discussion. including the act of confirmation of June 2, 1858, favored by Wears. Slidell and Benjamin, then United States Senators from the State of Loutsisun, the act of repeal passed June 21, 1860, in accordance with the report of the Hon. Tombs of Georgia.

It la racely that a more interesting subject brought before the courts. Associated Report of the Commission en Nary Yards. WASHINGION, Dee. -The report of the Commission on Navy Yards calls attention to the depreciation of the military marine the country as a consequence of the decadence of its merchant marine. It says that in 1860 the tonnage of the United States egged in foreign trade was 2,546,237 tons, the United States second on the fat of maritime countries, and our fighting abiga: commanded universal adiniration.

In the twenty years just passed, while the tunasge of our great commercial rival ha fit per our tonnage has dropped to 1,852,810, planing us third on the maritime countries. Our carrying wrested from and we not a single ship to asar our upon the seas. United States would, in anticipattoo require five naval rendezvous, viz: On Narragansett Bay, Chesapeake Bay, at Key West, San Francisco, and on the lakes. respect to the Mare Island Navy Yard the commissioners say of its advana that its approaches way be successy defended against the attacks of a pow enemy. It is far enough removed from to be beyond the reach of guns of largest range, or any possibility of captured by coup de main, and yet so far as to make it difficult of from the adjacent harbor, good and persecure in all weather.

The chandeep and never obstructed by The climate even and the year round, and suitable door work. Dry docks or basins may be constructed at reasonable cost. It convenient to the railroad communica watch centre on the oppostte shore of Straita and on the shores of the Straits about a mile distant. A consupply of fine timber for wooden building la practically inexhanstible. la no to our heaviest ships going up to the quay at dry are tide.

disadvantages of the yard up as follows: fleet at the GoldGate could blockade it. The immediate to the yard are without deThough abounding in the finest timland, California la detiolent in the supcoal, so essential to the nary of the day and to warfare on the ocesu. Mechanica are scare, and for any worl beyond the current needa of the yards the labor would have to be brought from San at no little expense and lore of There are no private establishments neater than San Francisco for repairing and engines to supplement the Govplant. The supply of water is The Commissioners recommend the reTention of this yard, as it is the only one on the Pacifio Coast and most of the qurements of a perfect site. They do not consider the question of its sale an open no tor discuasion.

Concerning the naval station on the lakes Commissioners say that the great 1m- Puctance of the naval operations on the Takes during the war of 1812 exposed the candition of that portion of our frontter, and the enormous amount of property in those waters belonging to our citizens and liable to destruction in the event of war admonieh the Commissioners not to recomthe abandonment of tue ooly naval station, whatever ite demerits. The Comnow hold that the quarter situation at a Harbor 1s good, but that there to about four acres of land only, without pant or improvements of any value. Thera a be demand for it for commercial or other Ite retention does not therefore inany appreciable expense. commissioners recommend that the yard at New London. be that all of the rest be maintained, the importance of preparation in peace for war.

they say, "is the heritage of man, at tor the people of the United States hiswill have been written in vain they delude themselves with the idle hope of perpetual peace, and war does come in these modern days ewift and terrible. Exposed and anprepared as we are, the damage which could be infleted upon us ere the note of warning calculation. was well-sounded would be beyond: But unmindfal of the great lessons of war a wait for the emergency of the hour to us into measures which should have Seen already matured. Of all methods, this been found the most wasteful. The pante caused by the Virginits affair sot return.

the is country $5,000,000 without adequate It the popular belief that our traditional polley of peace la easily maincom by reason of our isolation and treefrom the entanglements which 80 frequently disturb the relations of European but this is a delusion. in common with all maritime countries, interests which we are in duty pound to capport. The present disturbed condition of affairs in the Asiatic station, construction of the Panama Canal, the otte Interpolation of the Monroe doctrine into the Pacific, creed, the our naval growing strength commerce devel- in public oped by each the rising powers of South America prolific of questions every of one serious subjecta 1m- port to the people of the United 31, 1883. rate of forty miles day, the fastest run being made from Madison to Louisville, 53 miles, in one day. They have fishing tackle and guns, and fish and hunt on their way down, camping out at night.

FENCING. Challenge for Champion Assault 1478 and 1475 Broadway. FOR CALIFORNIA GOLD. Muldoon Again Downs Bauer-Hanian and Stevenson. The New York Times of the 27th says: Monsieur R.

Seriac, who since his defeat of Col. T. H. Monstery at Tammany Hall April 10, 1876, has borne the title of Champion of the two Americas," is anxious for further honors in the line of sport known as assault at arms. He has therefore issued a challenge to any fencing master or amateur on the American continent to meet him in an assault at arms in a contest for the champ.

jonship and $250 a side in any publio hall in this city, the conditions or the coutest to be as follows: First, foil No. 5, with a black plastron and affixed circle, foil-knoos whitened with chalk, complete disarming counting as one point- game of 9 pointe; second, French triangular fencing sword, with knob, same conditions as with the foil-6 points third, light cavalry sabre, striking with the point and sides, not below the knee- points; fourth, rapier, striking with both sides, not below the knee-6 pointe; fifth, bayonet exercise, hitting with the point above the belt only- 6 pointe; sixth, royal cane exercise, striking any where on the body-10 pointe. Gentlemen who may desire to compete with this expert swerdeman can be accomodated by calling upon or addressing him at Nos. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30.

After a three hours' struggie, Muldoon won the wreetling match with Bauer for a thousand dollars a side, and the championship of the world. Muldoon was carried in triumph on the shoulders of the admiring crowd. The reason Hanian asked Stevenson to relieve him from his engagement to row here, is that be offered to allow Stevenson a. thousand dollars for expenses to go to the East to row at Point of Pines, where there wilt be a better course and bigger receipts. Stevenson accepted.

CAPT. WEBB. The Daring Swimmer to Have a Funeral. The body of Capt. Matthew Webb, who died in the whiripool rapids of the Niagara River, will be exhumed on Jan.

7, in the presence of his widow, and reinterred with proper funeral ceremonies, at her request. Whed the swimmer's remains were placed in their present rescing place last July there were no services. As 800n 88 Mrs. Webb can accumulate sufilcient funda she will have the body of her deceased husband taken to his late home, Hull, and there finally laid to rest. Mrs.

Webb, at present, 18 filling an engagement in Boston at $8 per week. WRESTLING. Bixamon and Christel, Bixamos and Christol will meet at Capt. Samboia'a office and deposit their money for another wrestling match, a forfeit of $25 having already been deposited by each. The match will be for $200 a side.

It probably take place on Friday next. PUGILISM. Sullivan Breaks Steve Taylor's Jaw. A Denver, special of the 26th, to the St. Louis Globe Democrat, saye: The fact developed thie morning that in sparring contest at the Exposition between John Sullivan and Steve Taylor, the latter suffered a fracture of the jaw at the hands of the Boston slugger.

An effort was made to keep the matter quiet, and it would have been successful had not Taylo's jaw swelled up this morning to mammoth size, obliging the attention of a physician. Sullivan and the balance of the party went to Pueblo this morning, but owing to his injuries Taylor remained behind in Denver. Taylor saye that while sparring yesterday Sullivan was unusually vigorous. The fact that it was Christmas matinee seemed to inspire him, and he dealt forth his blows thick and heary Taylor sage that in the first portion of the encounter Sullivan hit him a right- handed blow on the jaw, which pained him severely. Each time after that, Taylor says, a blow on the face hurt him as 11 he had been cut with a knife.

At first he paid little attention to it, but he was obliged to terminate the bout before it was balf over. Dr. Davis, who attended Taylor, says the left jawbone received a bad tracture. Brutal Fight Between Miners. A Philadelphia special, of the 26th, to the 8t.

Louis Globe-Democrat says: A brutal prize fight took place at Mill Creek, near Wilkesbarre, yesterday, for 8200 a side, between Dick, the Puddler," and Dude Bright. Both men are powerful miners. Dick weighs 160 pounds and Bright a few pounds less. Eighty-seven rounds were fought, the battle lasting an hour and fiftyfive minutes. Both men were terribly punished, but displayed great endurance.

The Puddler WaS in a fearful condition, his head and face having been pounded to jelly. He could scarcely see during the last few rounds, but eventually won the fight, his opponent being taken with the chill, caused by frequent fallings in the snow. Although badiv punished, Bright was in better condition than his opponent. The fight began at daybreak, Bright forcing the fight and Dick keeping on the defensive until his adversary seemed to weaken. Then Dick begau some hard hitting.

In the thirteenth round the men clinched and fell together, fighting savagely up an down again, slugging each other unmercifully. In the following rounds they tore each other's flesh like bull dogs. The referee vainly tried to make them stop, and the crowd at interfered. The Puddler was declared the winner on the eighty-seventh round. Knocked Out in One Round.

At a sparring cently, between weight, and Harry light-weight round Dacey failed fight and receipts to Gilmore. exhibition at Toronto reDacey, a Brooklyn lightGilmore, the Canadian champion, after the first to come to time, and the of the house were awarded ERRING DAUGHTER. Yesterday evening Detectives McDonough and Stanley arrested a young white woman named Laura M. Conoghy at No. 166 Custombouse street, and locked her up in the Third Station on the charge of being a juvenile vagrant.

It appears that in the latter part of last October Laura suddenly disappeared from her home in San Antonio, Texas, with a young gambler. Her father waited for some days for her return, but waited in vain. He received information that she had come to this city and immediately sent a letter and her trait to our Chief of Police. Detectives McDonough and Stanley were given the case, but the fair Laura was not seen until last evening, when she was arrested: Her father will be informed of her arrest, and will send for her. CIVIL COURTS.

The successions of James Corwin and Henry Bruning were opened Saturday. The emancipation or Catherine, Cuddily has been applied for. Lucy Ponsargues has brought suit against Edgar Boisbiano for $5000, amount due on a note drawn Nov. 10, 1882, and made payable twelve months from date. The Planters' Crescent Insurance Company has sued B.

F. Simone and Son for $161 45, due on an open account. -Peter Morsal has brought suit against Xavier Vernier for $360 70, value of repairs and improvements done on certain real eatate. Bellwege and Behsefer have been sued by Mrs. 8.

B. Denegre for $1000, amount of rent due for the second. floor of premises, No. 35 Carondelet street: Sir Moses Monteflore has written to Benjamin F. Ulman, of Baltimore, thanking Dim and other Americans for kind expreselous upon his 99th birthday.

NUMBER 341. FOREIGN NEWS. Stater. Their Government may any day be called upon to take ita stand and to carry into practical effect ite broad. -and BRlightened principles.

To do this and to exercise the moral influence which belongs to us of right as one of the wealthiest and most liberal members of the great family of nations, a certain reserve force is absolutely essential. Now the number, but more particularly the condition of our navy yards, may be regarded as part of that reserve and as an exponent of our naval power. The logical deduction therefore is, that the power must be developed, or our foreign policy must be abandoned, it we would avoid national huThe commisioners concluded their report as follows: It only remains to ask whether the portion of the sot which calls tor the report "on any other facts deemed useful or advisable in regard to this question," the most prominent facta of which come to the notice of your commissioners in connection with the subject, are the want of proper organization of the working forces of the navy yards, the multiplicity of ships of the same class, the diffusion of work over a mont unnecessarily extended area, the want of uniformity in the transaction of bustness, and the objectionable method of keeping accounta. No reflection upon individuals is intended, as these evila result from a radically defective tem of true economy, and will, therefore, be reached not by selling any navy varda, but by remodeling the system of naval administration and placing it upon such a sound basis that the Government wilt receive an adequate return for the liberal sums annually voted tor the maintenance of the naVy. VICKSBURG.

The Negro Who Was Shot at Yazoo CityRapid Rise in the River Laud Slides on the Valley Rond. TO THE PICAYUNE. I VICKSBURG, Dec. H. Foote, the negro nian who was killed in the jail at Yazoo City last night, was 40 years old and leaves a wife and three children.

He was reared in this city and has been deputy collector of internal revenue at Yazoo City during the term of office of Hill, who ia Collector for the State. Foote's body will be brought to this city for interment. He was a graduate of Oberlin University of Ohio. There has been a rain fall of four inches since 10 o'clock last night. It is now raining.

The river has risen 11 inches in 24 hours ending at 7 P.M. The Anchor Line boats will land at the elevator by Tuesday next. Two elides occurred this morning on the line of the Louisville, New Orieans and Texas Railroad between this city and Port Gibson, which will cause some delay to the trains. NECROLOGY. Jeseph Longworth, of Cincinnati.

CINCINNATI, Dec. Joseph Longworth died at ate home in Woodbarn at 6 o'clock this morning. He was son of the late Nicholas Longworth, who amassed great wealth in Cincinnati real estate. Joseph Longworth, since the death of his father, has been sole manager of the Longworth estate, which he developed. He was 10 years old on the 5th of last His aliment was simply the breaking down of his vital energies.

Sevago he tall, gradually sinking till the day of his death. de leaves wite, a son, Judge Nicholas Longworth, and daughter, the wife of Col. George Ward Nichols. The funeral will take place Tuesday forenoon. Joseph Longworth has been very benevolent, and made frequent large donations to the city chiefly for the promotion of tine arta.

John McCarthy Scally, NEW YORK, Dec. McCarthy Scully, the well-known frieh Nationalist, was found dead in his bed this morning of heart disease. He has been in ailing healtir for several months, and his death was accelerated by revere literary labor. He was instrumental in founding Fentan organizations in America and was the chief organizer of the Land League movement in New York. Cardinal Bishop De Luca.

ROME, Dee. Cardinal Bishop Antonino de Luca, Prefect of the Congregation, is dead. MARITIME. 8 ecident to the Steamship Celtic. PLYMOUTH, England, Dec.

The steamer Gellert reports having spoken the steamer Celtic on the 22d in latitude 41, longitude 64. The Celtic's 1 main shaft was broken, and she was proceeding under sail. the Celtic owing to bad weather, but offered The captain of the Gellert refused to tow to take her passengers and mails. This was declined. The gale increasing, the Gellert proceeded, having first ascertained that the Celtic was in a seaworthy condition and her human freight in no danger.

Although the Celtic broke her shaft when only twenty-tour hours out from New York, it was deemed inadmissible to best back against the heavy wind prevailing. Orleans Bound Steamer at Falmouth. FALMOUTH, Dec. The steamer Rhosina, from Cardiff for New Orleans, has arrived with the loss of her propeller. FIRE RECORD.

Destructive Confingration in Chicago. CHICAGO, Dec. 30. -A fire occurred this morning in the large building Nos. 119 and 121 Monroe street, causing a loss of nearly $500,000.

The building was 24 by 80 feet in the front portion, and 112 feet square in the rear, and filled with printing, lithographing and kindred establishments. The approximate losses and insurance are as tolIowa Bradner, Smith stationers and bookbinders, lose $125,000, insurance $80,000 National Printing Company, managed by J. H. McConnell, one of the largest show printing houses in the country, loss $120.000, insurance $160,000. Cuts valued at $65,000 were in vault.

and are believed to have been saved the Sho ber Carqueville Lithographing Company, 1088 $200,000, insurance $80,000 to 890,000 NE. B. Myers, law book publisher, loss $12,000 to $14,000, insured for John B. Jeffery, whose large show printing house was destroyed in the Evening Journal fire recently, loses $30,000 to $50,000 worth of cuts in the National Printing Company's office, and the Dennett Harvester Company sustain a similar loss an cuts. The building, owned by 8am'l A.

Crozer, of Philadelphia, W88 damaged to the amount of insured for $40,000. The B. nine-story F. Montauk block, adjoining, owned by Brook a estate, of Boston, was damaged $12,000 by water. Jamestown, Dakota.

MINNEAPOLIS, Dee. A special to the Tribune says: This morning a tire broke out in the Northwestern Hotel, at Jamestown, Dakota, and owing to the lack of water spread in a short time, destroying the entire block facing the railroad, including the Dakota House, McGinnis' block, the Northwestern Hotel, the North Dakota Bank building and several email office buildings. Among the parties burned out are Churchill Webster, groceries and drugs; Dr. Boudotro, groceries and dry goods; D. Goodman, clothing; D.

Murphy, entoon, and Brambles, jeweler. On the Dakota House the 1088 18 $25,000 well insured. McGinnis block was a three story frame building costing $15,000 and insured for $10,000. The total loss about insurance probably two thirds of that Hotel amount. Five girls in the Northwestern had barely time to escape in their night dresses and bare feet.

The thermometer at the time was below zero. Whitesbore, Texas. GALVESTON, Dee. -A News Whitesboro special: At 2 o'clock this morning a fire, supposed to be the work of an incendiary, destroyed 15 business houses, including Marvett's hotel. insurance CRIMES AND CASUALTIES.

Sinking the Steamer Carrier at Little Hurricane Island. EVANSVILLE, Deo. -From a special to the Journal from Owenboro it is learned that the steamer Carrier was sunk at the head of Little Hurricane Island, three miles below Oweneboro, at 10 o'clock this morning. She struck the timber during the dense fog. In swinging around she stove in forty feet of her hull on the starbourd side, sinking over her hurrieane roof at the stern and to her boiler deck at the head.

One deck hand and two deck passengers, Italians, were drowned. No other lives were lost. The took the crew and passengers to Owensboro, where a protest was entered. The Carrier is said to be a total 1088. Her cargo and furniture is now being worked at by the steamer Two States.

The Restriction Upon the Sale of Poisons. WATERBURY, Dee. 30. -An interesting question concerning the sale of poison 088 been decided here. John McCarthy, a consumptive, took Fowler' solution of arsenic as a tonic.

The proper dose 18 five drops, and he took nearly 400 drops in twenty-four hours. The overdose saved his life. He brought snit against the druggist for selling the. poison without a warning label. The defendant claims that the solution does not come under the law requiring the poison label on arsenic.

The court held that the soialion was arsenic under the law. An appeal has been taken. Dash for Liberty, WALLA, W. Dee. 30.

-As Sheriff Thomson and Jailer Williams were visiting the cella Saturday night for. the last time they were attacked by Elfas and Owen, vondemned murderera, who knocked them senseless with bricks which they had secreted. On the Jailer's showing signs of recovery they took knife from his pocket, hacked him to pieces and then fled. The whole country is in arms. A committee of action was promptly formed andstarted in pursuit.

Fight Between Wealthy Kentucky Farmers. LEXINGTON, Dee. Higgins and Thomas Hagues, wealthy farmers, met at the Greendule Railway Station, last night. Higgins commenced to draw a piator and seized Haynes by the collar. Haynes fired from hie overcoat pocket and shot returned Higgins the through the lungs.

Bixgins fire, hitting Haynes once between the ninth and tenth ribs in the left aide and once in the ankle. The cause was 111-will over a lawsuit. Plucky Woman Shoots Her Traducer, ST. Lippert, wife of Ww. Lippert, formerly of Mason county, and mother of a large family, shot and mortally wounded Wm.

Ray, at Bath, IlL, on Friday night. for circulating reporta damaging to her character 38 a chaste woman. co*ke's Long Term. ST. LoUIs, Dee.

James W. Cooke, who murdered his wife at Cave Springs, last November, by holding her head between his knees and cutting her throat, has been settenced to 95 years in the Penitentiary. An Express Agent's Defalention. ST. Louis, Dee.

-Clarence W. Jackson, agent of the Adams Express Company at Vincennes. was arrested yesterday. charged with embezzlement. The shortage 18 said to exceed $1400.

MISCELLANEOUS. A Venerable Preinte's PITTSBURG, Dee. -The Right Rev. Boriface Wunmer celebrated his 50th anniversary of his entrance into the Benedictine Order at St. Vincent'a College to day.

The ceremony, which included the conferring of the degree of Archabbot of America- the first ever bestowed in this country--was participated in by bishops from all points of the United States. Lady Mandeville Sued By Her Maid NEW YORK, Dec. -Rose Heran, former ly lady's maid to Lady Mandeville, has begun suit to recover $20,000 damages for false arrest and imprisonment, at the instance of Lord and Lady Mandeville, who charged the maid with larceny. Cameron, En Route to Mexico. 8T.

LOUIS, Dee. -Simon Cameron, of Pennaylvania, accompanied by Col. Jos. Dutty and John A. Hiestand, of the same Btate, passed through here en route to MexIco, via Hot 8prings, Arkansas.

The Signal Service River Report. The rivera continue falling slowly Pittaburg, Cincinnati and Louisville, and rising from Cairo to Vicksburg. Gen. Grant's Condition. NEW YORK, Dee.

Gen. Grant is greatly improved, although he is yet unable to sit up. RAILROADS. Hartford and Harlem Board. The following directors of the Hartford and Harlem Railroad have been elected A.

M. Billings, Chicago; Lewis M. Brown, F. W. Bruggernoff, Warren H.

Day, Charles G. Francklyn, F. Higginson, Henry Killam and Sam'l G. Thorne. Chas.

G. Francklyn was re-elected president and Lewis M. Brown, vice president. A Collision in Cairo. CAIRO, Dec.

-The Wabash north and south bound freight trains collided st Twentieth street to-day, badly wrecking both engines and two freight cars. Nobody hurt. Personal Points. Judgment has been given in favor of the laborers who sued the Canadian Pacific Road for breach of contract, not employing the plaintiffs at Algoma. VITAL Recorded at the office of the Board ef Health Sunday, Dec.

30 BIRTHS. Mrs. Eugene V. Garaudy, a boy, Dee. 18.

Mrs. Arnold Wills, a girl, Nov. 17. Mrs. Nicholas Blum, a boy, Dec.

1. Mrs. John Vanier, a boy, Nov. 13. MARRIAGES.

George Smith and Mrs. Widow Silvie Cavadte Johnson. Charles Koehl and Miss Octavia Louisa Marquez. Charles A. Perrault and Miss Juliette Barpy.

W. Todd and Miss Mary Jane Johnson. George E. Lacaze and Miss Maggie ScanJan. Bladon Taylor and Miss Georgiana TomAB.

William Jure and Mrs. Belle Wiggins. Raymond A. Cure and Miss Elvina Petrie. DEATHS.

Marie B. Lion, 2 years, 480 N. Villere. Matthew C. Wingfield, 6 days, 145 Market, Algiers.

A COTTON CASUALTY. Saturday afternoon Patrick Gaven, while at work at the Alabama Cotton -Press, tell from a pile of cotton seven tiers high and broke his left forearm. He was conveyed to Charity Hospital where he was attended to. Florida la utilizing convicts on turpentine farms. SPORTING.

TURF. The Fastest Horse in the World, J. 8. Campbell, the owner of the famous pacer Rich Ball, now in this city, beleives his horse to be the fastest in the world, and will match him against any trotter or pacer for from $5000 to $10,600 a side, the place to be mutually agreed upon. Speaking of the challenge the Sportsman saya: Now, Kittson, Vanderbilt, Case, Hickok, et will you accept the gage! Rich Ball has a great fleld to choose his antagonist from.

Maud 8. will probably perform in public the coming season. Little Brown Jug la giving high promise of regaining his dangerous form; Jay-Eye-8ee is wintering well, and so te Trinket, Butfalo Girl, Director and Johnson. Here are seven doughty champions that are abundantly able to make race worth going many miles to gee, Rich Ball we know to be a great pacer- -staunch and game as any horse that ever pulled a sulky or carried weight upon his back. That he has never shown his full capacity in publie, we believe.

Out of seventeen races under the guidance of Mr. Campbell, he won fourteen, many of them bitterly contested. The free-for-all pacing race at Pittsburg, last summer, in which Rich Ball was beaten by Buffalo Girl, was the hardest-fought race we ever witnessed. We made a mental note at the time that the little Texan Was a good horse to watch, and were not at all disappointed with his record of performances at the close of the season. Now, gentlemen, first come first served.

Tips from the Race Track. Alex Jackson, known 88 Yank, the jockey and trainer," died at Riverside, the day, after Christmas. He brought many winners to the front, among them Beatitude, Brooklyn, Boulevard, King William, Highland Vintage, Edna Ventriloquist, Belle Isle, Sovereign Pat and others. Malarial fever, consumption and whisky are given as the causes of death. Speaking of the Princess, the winner of the mile race on Saturday, the Toronto Mail says: "There is little doudt that the giantess' will yet prove herself unquestionably the best ruce-horse Canada produced.

Princess 19 a very stout and compact dark bay tuly, standing upon ebort legs. She is three years old, etred by (son of Oakland and imp. Wombat), out of Roxaline (daughter of Malcolm and Maggie Mitchell). Malcolm will be membered ae a very promising son of the incomparable Bonnie Scotland and Lady Lancaster. Princess was bred by Mr.

Burgers, of Wood stock, who still owna two of her full brothers, both of which promise well." J. J. Weldon, an owner of several promi ment race horses in Texas, such Guynne, Lizzie Batcheler and Virge Hearne, died at the residence of J. W. Wilson, in Gainesville, Texus, on the 12th, after a brief iliness.

Weldon was a taverite among turfmen in Texas. The New York Sporteman says: Harry Brown will train for Col. John Churchill and Col. R. W.

Johuson, separate stables. Powhatan has done well, and is regarded by those at the Louisville track as better than Bob Miles. Harry Brown trained Eole as a four year old. Graham Brothers, the owners of Brunswick, bave sent here Broughton, ch. 3, Glenelg-Ladylike, and Baronella.

br. 1., 4 T. Steward, Brighton Beach, has bought of W. B. Jennings, the two year-old full ateter to by Baden- Baden vat of Sarah B.

Some of the Northern papers haying publined that W. B. Jennings broke hia agreement to purchase Lloyd Daly, he denies the statement. Bays he never saw the horse: never offered to buy him, and has never bought a horse yet and failed to take him. The sporting papers are after the judges to place five horses in a dash race.

Mr. fa*gan, of the Louisiana Stable. is reported to have sold to P. A. Brady the chestnut gelding Warrington, War Dance.

Nannie F. He will be educated over the timber. The Turf, Field and Farm says: Madame Rumor says Bob Miles will be ridden in the Kentucky Derby by the well known jockey Hughes. Showd this be true the chances of Bob Miles to win this elaseio event will be greatly enhanced and his increased. It la yet too early for predictions, but some of the knowing ones" have an eye on Bob Miles us the probable wiuner, and Mr.

Williams is reported as having refused large offers for the colt on the faith of his pros: pects. Minnie Wilkes, 2:35, has returned to her owner, Mr. Richard Schmidt, of this city. He ban also the chestnut illy Tuscaloosa, Tuscalo-Lotto Post. She is much admired, and promises to make a 2:20 tretter.

Quite an extensive stock farm is about to be started in Louisiana, at Rededale, East Feliciana, by Mesere, Glaspee and of this city. The farm will be under the immediate supervision of Mr. Charles Reed, whose sound judgment and knowledge of trotting stock have been shown by his wise selection and purchase of the 26 brood mares and foals which are now here and awaiting shipment to Rededale. Sir Peter, by Goldsmith (son of Volunteer), dam Lady Bashaw, by Green's Bashaw, has been purchased by Manager Reed. The farm has sold to the Caton Stock Farm of Illinois the brown or black filly Montpeller, foaled 1883, by Don Cossack, dam Black Maria, for $400.

She la said to be an extra tine illy. Laraminta, who ran here last spring, has been bought by Dr. Craik, of Montreal, and will be bred to Day Star. She was foaled in 1878 and 18 by Longfellow-Miss MoMeekin. Mr.

Jennings will train and bring back te the turt the famous veteran Glenmore. The dates selected for the spring and sum mer running meetings in the South and West are as follows: New Orleans -April 14 to April 19 inclueive. Memphis -April 23 to April 28 inclusive. Nashville- -May 1 to May 7 incinsive. Lexington- -May 7 to May 14 inolusive.

Louisville- -May 16 to May 28 inclusive. Covington J. May 30 to June 7 inclusive. St. Louis- June 11 to June 18 inclusive.

Chicago Driving Park--June 20 to June 28 inclusive. Washington Park, Chicago- June 28 to July 12 inclusive. If these dates be adhered to there will be no clashing. SHOOTING. Good Scores by Local Marksmen.

The best scores made at Clinton's gallery last week were as followe: Rifle shooting, s0 yards, possible L. B. 82 82 83 83--412 Geo. ....82 82 82 83-411 Possible 168 L. P.

.79 82--161 E. J. Souby 80--160 G. T. Wheeler.

78 80--159 P. J. Manouvrier. .79. 79 --158 Rob't Roman.

81-158 Clande Freeman. 79-157 Chas. Francis. 78--155 Dr. C.

D. Knapp. 78-155 Pistol shooting, 30 yarda, possible 84: J. 12 12 13 12 13. 11 13 12 12 14--75 Pistol shooting, 10 yarde, possible 30 Geo.

Wheelehan: 5 5 J. 6 CANOES COMING From Cincinnati to the Crescent Uity By the River Route. BAYOU SARA, Dec. -Special to the Picayune: Com. Geo.

W. Gardner and Secretary W. E. Eckman, of the Cleveland Canoe Club, passed down in their canoes at 8:30 this morning. They left Cincinnati last Thankegiving Day for New Orleans, in their canoes, the City of Cleveland and Cuyanoga.

The canoes are complete in every detail for living and traveling. The have their cooking a camping out tent, and stores packed away in their canoes. One of the boats was built at Racine, and la of veneering, and the other was built at Rahway, N. and is of Spanish and white cedar. They cannot sink, and the hatches are water tight.

They have traveled as the Civil Engineer who Chose Evil Way- Arrest of k. Petter Charge el Chief Row. would Hub take him Traveling Companion, For the past three weeks a very fine looking and stylishly attired young man could have been seen almost dally on Canal street, the boulevard of fashion in the Southern metropolis. The young man was believed by some to be commercial traveler, while others placed him in the category of rich young men. He wore resplendent jewelry, had plenty of money, was elegant in his manners, and was evidently a thoroughly well educated and well informed man.

He boarded at Victor Bere's on Bourbon street, but roomed elsewhere, and to all appearances desired to shun observation and evade inquiries as much as possible. Several days ago it began to be whispered about town that he had not come honestly by money in his possession. He paid his way. however, but it was in gold. sad that of foreign coinage.

Of Spanish doubloons and English sovereigns he appeared to have an unlimited supply, and he did not stint himseir in spending them. He wore an elegant gold watch and chain, and had fine diamonds, or what looked like brilliants. Last Wednesday a theatrical agent mot him on Canal street and recognized him as Edward E. Pettee, a promising young criminal lawyer and civil engineer, who had zone wrong in Boston some time ago, and leaving a young wife, had left for parts unknown. Forgery and embezzlement were the crimes charged to him, and the theatrical agent, who was thoroughly conversant with his career, retailed it to a number of people and it soon became generally known throughout the city, and finally came to the ears of Detectives Gaster and Feathaler.

The officers concluded to keep the man under surveillance. They knew he boarded at Victor's, and Saturday morning they were posted in front of the restaurant on Bourbon street at an early hour. They watebed the face of every man that entered the place, but Pettee's did not meet their gaze. They knew him by the name of Enders, and upon inquiry learned that he had not breakfasted there daring Saturday worning. Believing that their game had become alarmed and had decamped, the detectives abandoned the case for the time being as hopeless.

During the afternoon Gaster determined to resume his post at Victor's and he and Fruthaler posted themselves acoordingly. About balf-past 5 who should come walking leisurely along but Pettee. or Enders, and they permitted him to enter the saloon. Not being cruel enough to interrupt him at his dinner or to spoil his apperite, the detectives waited patiently notil be reappeared and walked up Bourbon towards Canal street. At the corner of Customhouse street Gaster accosted him by name and informed bim that he was wanted at the office of the Chief of Police.

The prisoner was cool and unconcerned, and walked nonchalantly along with the officers. He asked permission to go to his lodging house, No. 269 Camp street, in order to pay his bill. The officers assented, and after paying a week's room rent in advance and teiling the landlady that he would return on Monday, he packed up his valise and accompanied the officers back to the station, where he was locked up. He confeesed to Chief Rowley in the presence of the detectives that he lad detranded Marden, of No.

48 Bowden street, Solomon Billings, on Court street, and F. L. Dunn. on Washington street, all in Boston, and expressed a willingDOES to return without the formalities of a requisition and an officer being sent for to Boston. This was prior to going to his room, and while leaving the ottice he was seen to slip son ething into his shoe.

Gassharp eyes detected the movement, and he remarked that Pettee had better take the package out as he might lose it walking through the streets. Pettee complied with the suggestion, and produced a roll of bills containing $60 which he handed to the detective. On his return to the station the valise was taken from him and deposited for sate keeping. On his person was found the fine gold watch and cliam, $200 in English sovereigns and $70 in United States notes. Spanish dcubloon was also found in his pockets, while in his valise a large sum of money, all in golden Spanish coin, was found.

Re registered himself as E. E. Pettee, aged 27, a civil engineer and lawyer by 00- cupation, and married. A charge of being a fugitive from justice was lodged against him and he was locked up in a cell for the night. Chief Rowley telegraphed to Boston, to Sam.

G. Adame, Superintendent of Police, as follows: "I have under arrest Edward E. Pettee. He confesses having embezzled money from 0. 8.

Marden, 43 Bowden street, Solomon Billings, Court street F. L. Dunn, Washington will return street, and others in your city. He without papers it wanted. Will leave with him if expenses are guaranteed." Pettee hails from Derry, N.

where his parente, who are respectable people, still reside. He fret appeared in Boston about four years ago, where he studied law, and was 8000 master of his chosen profession. He was engaged in several important and remunerative cases. in which he was untformly succeseful. He became acquainted with Marden, proprietor of a summer resort hotel, who placed the utmost confidence in him, and went so far even as to intrast him with the management of the hotel during his abeence.

He entered into a Florida land speculation and fleeced those who placed confidence in him. In New York he is charged with having obtained money on worthless cheek for $400. and his speculatons are said to exceed $3000. It is believed that he is also wanted in Jacksonville, and information of his arrest will be sent there. He went by several assumed names, and is registered at the Central Station as Edward E.

Pettee, alias E. B. Enders, alias E. W. Cunningham.

He is a most accomplished man and an excellent musician, and while the officers were wating for him to pack his valise regaled them with some choice operatic selections on the violin. THIEVES AT WORK. Case of Garroting on Delord Street. BOSTON BARRISTER. Notwithstanding the several successful raids by the police on the vagrants recently, for the purpose of putting stop to the numerous cases of garroting.

the midnight marauders still continue to practice their nefarious work without fear. Another case of this kind is reported to have taken place last Saturday night about a quarter past 11 o'clock, on Delord street, whereby the garroters were only awarded with the trifling sum of twenty live centa for their troubler The victim was Jacob Ellie, who was returning to his home No, 15 Annunciation street. AB Ellie reached the middle of Delord, between Camp and Magazine streets, he was grabbed by the throat by two white men. One fastened his hands so tight. on Eille's throat that he was nearly choked and could not utter a ery for help.

The other in the meantime ran his hands into his pocket, and finding the pocketbock, which unly contained. twenty- five cents, they shoved him away and then ran off with the prize. He could not identity his assailants, Pickpecket Caught in the Act On Sunday morning another important arrest, of a negro pickpocket, was made at the French Market, by Officer Hevron and Market Commissary Dillon. The market was crowded at the time with persons buying goods. Hevron and Mr.

Dillon, however. noticed a suspicious looking negro working his way through the crowd and immediately followed him uP and were rewarded catching him dead to rights." They caught him picking the pockets of a colored woman, named Mary Francis. The thief was taken in charge and gave his name as Victor Bell. He was locked up at the Third Preeinct Station, where charge of assault with intent to commit robbery, was booked against He is a notorious character and la well known to the police of the Third and Fourth Precincts. Reped Robbed Yesterday evening John Fay, a man, was enticed into the bagnio No.

64 Union street, kept by Degrees named Josephine Williams, and robbed of $80 in cash by two white men, named Philip Dopt and John Davey. The man Fay was met by the two parties at the Serapara Market, and after taking a few drinks together WAS invited to take a trip down town, which he did, and was inveigled into the above house and robbed. Dopf was arrested by Corporals Carey and Finn and Officer Meyers, on Union near De: odes street, and locked charged with being drunk and with the the money of Fay, who was also arrested and locked up for Davey made his escape, but orders have been issued for his: arreet on sight. The Wedding For some time past two men, one of them said to be a negro, have been playing pretty shrewd game on unsuspecting and charitably disposed individuals visiting Poydras Market. Pretending to be in deep distress and very, very hungry, the sharpers watch and select a victim whose pocketbook appears to be well supplied with money The operator appronches and with a pitiful story of how his mother is starving at home and had sent him out to pawn her wedding ring, he produces piece of brass and usually obtains an advance of a dollar or two on the ring, which is worth about five cents.

These swindlers usually victimize three or more persons every day, and although the detectives have been watching for them, they have not yet been able to catch them. A Highway Victim. Coroner LeMonier yesterday held an inquest on the body of the man Nathan Nail, who was beaten and robbed a mile above Harvey's Canal last Thursday morning, an account of which was published In yesterday's Picayune. It was found that death had resulted from fracture of the skull, producing compression of the brain and desth. Coroner LeMonier sent the result of his autopay to the Coroner of Jefferson pariah, who will conclude the inquest.

No arrests have as yet been made. Scared About a quarter-past7 o'clock last evening some ukown sneak thieves were diecovered in the boarding house No. 139 street, between Bourbon and Dauphine streets. Two Ineffectual shots were fired at the intruders, who escaped. ATTEMPTS AT SUICIDE.

costa Cain, the Hoodlum. At 4 o'clock yesterday morning William, alias Lotta Cain, one of the most desperate hoodlums in this city, attempted to commit suicide by cutting his threat with a pocket knife. Cain had been drinking heavily of late and was seized with an attack of deMiriam tremens. He was at the house of friend of his named Tony Dowd, when he picked up a pocket knife a large weapon- -and, opening the large olade, cut his throat. He did not succeed in effecting his object, and only inflicted a severe wound of the throat without touching the jugular vein or the carotid artery.

Dr. Mitchell was summoned in attendance and pronounced his injuries severe. He advised uis removal to the Charity Hospital, where his wound was dressed and at last accounts he was doing well. Cain has a record as a chronic disturber of the peace, and as a desparate character he stood second to none in the city. It was he who stabbed and dangerously wounded Officer Hawkins some time ago, and recently he drew a knife and threatened to kill a peaceable citizen.

For the latter offense he was arrested and brought before Assistant Recorder Daley, who, although informed of Cain's character, imposed a trilling fine on the hoodlum and permitted him to depart in peace. "Rough on Rat" At pasts o'clock yesterday afternoon E. J. Hoffman, aged 36 years, becoming red of life, entered the drug store at the corner of Dauphine and Customhouse strneta, and purchasing a box of "Rough on Rats," proceded to his home at No. 221 Treme street, and swallowed the dose.

Hoffman's brother, becoming informed of the fact, adminiatered an emetic, which had the desired effect, and in a short time Hoffman was propounced out of danger. he ted on making anather attempt on his life, his brother caused his arrest and incarceration in the Fourth Station. Hoffman has been drinking heavily of late, and to this is ascribed His attempt to suicide. CASTLE. Which the Old Man Keeps in Geed State of Defense.

Last Friday afternoon Mr. J. Selbert, a gardener, who resides on the line of the old Carrollton Railroad, back of the Dublin Avenue draining machine, discovered a stranger on hts premises. Beibert asked the tramp what he wanted and why he came into the yard without knocking at the gate. The tramp became insolent and told Me.

Selbert that it was none of his businesa. The gardener threatened to set the dogs on the tramp. who therempon made for tie house, but being unable to enter, took refuge underneath. Beibert unchained tue animals and then set them on the tramp, who, to escape, leaped into the canal in trout of the house. The dogs followed him and a desperate battle ensued in the water between the aninials and the tramp, who, however, finally managed to gain the banks on the epposite side, his clothing torn.

and he bleeding from several wounds inflicted by the tangs of the brutes. He beat the dogs off finally and escaped, but later returned with two companions, doubtless mending to wreak their vengeance on the gardener. They thought better of this, however, as Mr. Seibert sitting in front of his gate with a Winchester and rifle carelessly lying across his knees, nothing has been heard of the tramps since. SHOT FOR PUN.

Saturday afternoon Inane Walker, coloreci was brought to the Charity Hospital and placed in Ward No. 1, suffering from a gun shot wound of the left shoulder in the back. Walker stated that on Christmas Eve a gro named Edmond Nicholas became intoxicated, and, drawing a pistol, threatened to shoot him and some other negroes whe were in his company. They prevailed on him to put the pistol away, but he refused, and then fired in the crowd, the ball taking effect in Walker's back. The other negroes then took to their heels.

and while running he fired several shots at them, but without effect. Nicholas escaped and in now raid to be in this city. Waiter's wound was dreseed and found to be not of a dangerous character. FIRE KEY. Officer Maltas, while making his rounds on Camp street Sunday morning, found the fire box at the corner of St.

Joseph street open, with a false key in the lock. The party who left it evidently intended sending in a false alarm, but hearing the officer's footsteps took to his heels and escaped. FALSE ALARMS. At 12:25 o'clock Sunday morning a false alarm was sounded from box 17, corner of First and Conetance streets. At ten minutes after one another fall St.

alarm Andrew was and sounded from box 23, corner Dryades All the foreign countries with Eggpt trades received less from sold less to her during 1882 than Egypt's exports to America In were valued at £15,210, in 1882 at lean and imports 1002 amounted to 4145,000 in 18814 in.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.